Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year Air Crews!

I hope whether this post finds you on a stopover, a layover, or happily at home with loved ones, that 2009 is a year you are looking forward to.

Diane and I are very excited to bring this idea to life, and we'd love to hear more from you if you have ideas about information you'd like to see more of, less of, what kinds of services we can offer to augment this blog, you name it. Air Vitals is YOUR venue, and we're simply here to make sure it happens.

We'll be meeting later this month to formalize some of our plans, and our planning will be so much more meaningful if it contains thoughts and ideas from those who travel for a living.

Please, anytime you have an idea, contact us! You can either comment here on the blog, or you can email me at, or Diane at

Safe travels, and we'll see you soon!

Monika M. Woolsey, MS, RD
Co-founder, Air Vitals

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